

Small business networking 101: tips and tricks from the experts

If you are opening a new business, small business networking is a good way to promote it. The essentials of business networking are not only limited to small businesses though, you can also find it an effective way to advertise yourself as an entrepreneur or a large corporate.

5 habits of successful entrepreneurs

Sometimes we are at a loss as to how the great business people we read about and meet everyday, stay so focused! And so productive! And have such a happy, dedicated team around them!

Why flexible workspaces beat serviced offices, everytime

When the word ‘coworking’ was coined way back in 1999, little did people know how popular this style of working would become. Really, it’s popularity has grown due to the truly unique experience it offers workers.

The future of the workplace

Talking about the future of workplace, it’s very easy to consider recent trends or popular movement, and perhaps extrapolate on from those to predict the future.