12 October 2022

5 habits of successful entrepreneurs.

Sometimes we are at a loss as to how the great business people we read about and meet everyday, stay so focused! And so productive! And have such a happy, dedicated team around them!

We figured, it can’t be that hard to get it together and make it happen – if they can do it surely there is a way that we can propel ourselves to greatness??

You’ll be pleased to know we’ve take the guess work out of it for you, and have found the top 5 habits of extremely successful entrepreneurs. Are you ready for greatness? Read on!

Don’t take no for an answer.

Remember the saying ‘try, try, try again’? Well, this is pretty appropriate when it comes to the ‘no’ answer.

While we champion humility, sometimes the only way forward is to ignore the naysayers and have confidence you’re on the brink of success.

Don’t let a ‘no’ be the road block that stops your momentum. Find another way.

Think of another solution. Re-ask the question – sometimes a no the first time, is just because the other person is lazy – show you want it, offer alternatives and you might just find that the no turns into a ‘yes’! Actually, most of the time, you will find the no turns into a yes.

It has been reported that most startups fail without complete confidence in an idea and the determination to do whatever it takes to succeed, an entrepreneur won’t make it.

Minimise low-impact decision-making

Worrying about breakfast and what to have again? Trying to decide on the best stationary supplier for your pens? Stop!

Routine and getting into one for the working week is one of the common ways entrepreneurs free up valuable time, gain back the power to focus on important decisions and make sure they are clear headed and ready to make the crucial decisions.

Stripback the amount of decisions by choosing a staple for one of these:

  • Breakfast – have a go-to meal for weekdays
  • Meetings attire – have a couple of ‘favourite’ feel good outfits for wearing to important meetings
  • Travel to work – have a route that you enjoy and stick to it, even if there is traffic/transport delays. Enjoy the extra thinking time!

Take one step further than everyone else

Entrepreneurs are always characterised as the people willing to take one step further than everyone else.

You know the person – the one who won’t take ‘no’ for an answer (ahhh see the first point!!) The person who seems to be borderline psychopathic about how something looks, how the user will feel when they experience their product……a born perfectionist. Well guess what? You don’t have to be a perfectionist to go the extra mile, you just have to want it and be 100% focused on your end goal.

While some find tenacity and dedication to perfection intimidating and daunting, people build careers on a commitment to high-quality output and results.

Enthusiastically shift gears

Many companies fail. That’s a reality. However, persistent entrepreneurs who are willing to try something different end up being the ones that ultimately succeed.

Many incredible businesses and services are the second, third or even fourth attempt of an entrepreneur who just flat out refused to give up and instead decided to try something different.

Entrepreneur.com reports about the founder of ClassPass who originally created Classtivity, struggled to get off the ground, and switched gears to create ClassPass.

The startup has grown exponentially in its first two years by scheduling hundreds of thousands of fitness classes for its users, all because they were unafraid of admitting they were headed down a wrong path and willing to turn around to find a better one.

Be visible

Most entrepreneurs don’t fit the 9 to 5 mould. They work when they want (albeit, more hours than the traditional employee) and work from wherever they’d like. They understand that creative insights require new environments and experiences.

Sir Richard Branson takes this to the next level by being highly visible, not only within his company but also by making himself available to his customers. He experiences Virgin Airlines firsthand, chatting with his employees and customers to get a better feel for how his company is doing. He is constantly out and about meeting new people and finding new ideas.

It’s ok not to be in the office 100% of the working week, just be available if staff need advice, be present at critical moments in your business timeline and get amongst it with new clients and customers!

It’s the best way to really understand what’s working and what’s not in your business.

So – how many of these habits do you think you can adopt?

Excerpts from Entrepreneur.com
